Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Parent/Teacher - So difficult!

Recently I have been thinking a lot about Aydan's education. We have encountered a lot of struggles this year, some I knew would come but others are a little hard to handle. Aydan is a really smart kid, but he is A LOT lazy!! Of course I am probably responsible for this since I have 3 other kids that need attention and sometime what Aydan is doing goes by the way side. He used to love school, I mean seriously love school. Now there are days when he doesn't even want to go because it is TOO HARD!! He has struggled with his fine motor skills (holding his pencil correctly), and we are in a constant battle to get him to write more. When I say battle I mean it literally. There is yelling, crying, stomping, slamming of doors, just over school work. So, this is where I find it difficult to draw the line between parent and teacher. I want to teach him but I lack the patience. All I want is for him to be successful and smart. A recently met with his teacher and to describe him she said he gets an A in social skills. He is the popular kid. Everyone wants to be his friend, he is funny, he is just the life the of class. Yes, this is a good thing, but not all of the time. He gets easily distracted and when she tries to move Aydan to a new table he just makes new friends. It even got to the point where the teacher had to ask me what she could do because she had exhausted her ideas. REALLY KID, JUST DO YOUR WORK!! So here we are at the second half of the year...he had assessments yesterday and the teacher said he did fine and was doing well, but then he comes home today and I find out he has been moved to the lower reading group...frustrating. Well, there you have it, I have ranted long enough. Any advice fellow mothers?? How do you get a good reader and writer and still have your child like you???


CraigT said...

Less time on the Wii and more time reading and writing! He will be fine.

Emily Sue said...

thanks Dad!!

Vehars said...

I don't know if your teacher already does this but... Maybe try and have him do a weekly write whatever. Reagan has writing Wednesdays. From my understanding it's a chance for them to write whatever they want along with drawing a picture. I'm no fountain of knowledge and honestly don't have a clue but maybe that could help. Just hang in there, you're a great Mom and you'll both figure it out!

Jenn said...

Emily, my son Dalin is EXACTLY the same way!! He's in 5th grade, smart, popular and the laziest, distracted, most unorganized kid I have ever met. We ended up putting him on medicine, which helped, but I didn't like the side effects, so we stopped. I understand the frustration. All I can say is that there are going to be times when he is going to dislike you intensely. They get over it. I would pick an activity involving writing, a journal maybe, and make sure he knows that it is going to happen everyday, week, whatever. Just be consistent and firm. Good luck!